Monday, February 18, 2008

School/Classmates (Main Convent) Reunion Gathering

We had a school/classmates reunion gathering in Ipoh during CNY. Most of us are married, well... some still remain single though. Some of them used to be tomboy, now become pretty woman...others might add some wrinkles and even grey hairs...nevertheless, we still very young at heart...

Brother, still remember Loo Li Peng? Do you recognise her from this pic? She's the first one sitting from the left.

Children are enjoying themselves too. They seem to know each other very well even though just met a few minutes ago...

As usual... the most cheeky fellow..

Lion Dance at Chin Woo

We went to see Lion Dance at Chin Woo on the 3rd day of CNY. Every year is a must-see event for Yew Jun. His favourite.

CNY in Parit

As usual, we went to Parit on the 1st day of CNY morning. It was a very hot day but we enjoyed the afternoon lunch in 2nd uncle's house.

Hmm...yummy food..

Jit Mun enjoying his meal too..

Pretty girls in a row...and one handsome boy

"Tai ku" chatting happily...

Smile mom... cause you're on candid camera now!

Yew Jun & Jo Yan collecting ang pows from all the "kau kong & kam po"....

Mei mei, let's count how much we got....

Calling once, twice.... who else did not get any pow?

This one is from Yoong Sun, this is for.....

Siew Yoong smiling always.... his wife is going to deliver soon!...

Chit chit chat chat....and laughing sound is being heard... that's the happy atmosphere during CNY...

That's Siew Yoong wife.... soon to deliver a baby in April. CONGRATULATIONS!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

The all family blog members near and far, A Very Happy Chinese New Year
and Good Health to all married couples.

For the singles, make 2008 a good year to be remembered!

For the students, may your Wish Lists all come true.

For the babies, Lekaslah Besar!!!

From, 6th Uncle, Tong Yin, Jen Nee & Jen May