Friday, June 27, 2008

Siu Yeong + E-Ann

Did Siu Yeong really knows how to carry his baby...:)

E-Ann 3rd Mth

E-Ann & Uncle Eugene

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Amassurance Incentive Trip to Macau+ZhuHai+ShenZhen+HK Disneyland (2)

Amassurance Incentive Trip to Macau+ZhuHai+ShenZhen+HK Disneyland (1)

Siu Yeong achieved the Amassurance Incentive Trip to 6D5N Macau+ZhuHai+ShenZhen+HK Disneyland Macau

Siu Yeong's Birthday + 1st Father's day

E-Ann 2 mths ++

E-Ann 2mths ++ pictures

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some Recent Pictures of Ean Seng (2)

At our favorite store in the neigbourhood. His 3 year-old birthday.
Looking at the cctv of our building.
Taken in a Jap BBQ restaurant.
Morning fruit session.
Looking out from MRT
May 18.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Some Recent Pictures of Ean Seng

Recently we are busy with getting Ean Seng to school (pre-school or play-school in the matter of fact). Most of the schools here organize summer-camps for children to attend before the school term starts on 1st Sept.
NO... he didn't appreciate that. He prefer to stay at home rather than going to school.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Kanching Waterfall

We went to Kanching waterfall last Friday. It's just beside Templer park. Nice place for family.
