Thursday, November 09, 2006

Jit Mun First Meal

Oct 31, 1006. Jit Mun Days 107 (3 1/2 months) first meal. 1 1/2 pieces banana mixed with Nestle infant cereal rice.


Too excited for the first meal until waved his hands & moved his legs non-stopped.


Can't stop feeding. Once stopped he will cry aloud until u feeded him the next scoop.


Happy meal severed. Enjoy with stand jumping.



Blogger Janice & Loke Family said...

Try feeding Jit Mun when he's sitting down upright (sit straight) so he can easily swallow the food. Put him in his walker. It is easier for u to feed him. Give him lots of water since he's now starting to eat solid food. Try blending cooked vege like carrots, beetroot or even steam "fan shu" (preferable the red colour one). U can try blending fruits like ripe pear, banana, apple, orange..etc mixed together w the cereal. Good for his digestion. Kicking his leg? He must really enjoying his food!

Thursday, November 09, 2006 4:29:00 PM  
Blogger Dennis and Elsa Chiang said...

Wow! That is pretty early to feed him solid. Amazing. Samantha did not have solid until she is 6 months old.

Thursday, November 09, 2006 10:04:00 PM  
Blogger changsiewkwan said...

Indeed... I was adviced by the doctor not to feed solid till baby is 6 month old, as it takes time to develop the gastro system...


Friday, November 10, 2006 1:25:00 AM  
Blogger Sonny & Araya Chang Family said...

Thanks for the advise. So far Jit Mun's excrement was in liquid condition. Not in harden condition yet. He love to drink a lot of water daily. Sometimes his stomach too full, he will vomit after drunk plenty of water. He was now getting not interest to drink milk. We used to feed milk for when he fall asleep. He could finish 5 oz only he was in fall asleep condition in about 3 minutes.

Saturday, November 11, 2006 1:08:00 PM  

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