Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas preparation

We have been preparing our house for Christmas.
We will have a joint birthday party for Samantha and me later this month.

Happy Holiday !!


Blogger Janice & Loke Family said...

What is Samantha trying to do??...Batman eye?..She must be enjoying herself...We also got one small christmas tree. Once we set it up then we'll let you see... Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:59:00 PM  
Blogger Sonny & Araya Chang Family said...

Merry family.

Thursday, December 07, 2006 4:04:00 PM  
Blogger Dennis and Elsa Chiang said...

Samantha just fouling around.
I was taking a lot of pictures of her as I am trying to get some good ones without using the flash at night. It is difficult to get clear ones on a moving object in dim lighting without flash.

Thursday, December 07, 2006 11:57:00 PM  
Blogger changsiewkwan said...

Sometimes motion blur indicates movement and makes the photo more lively.

Not sure what camera you are using, you could either point the flash upwards, or just put a tissue paper in front of your flash to produce a less "flash-harsh" pic. (Disclaimer : Not sure how many pcs of tissue paper you need, you got to spend some time to test it out to your liking :p)

Saturday, December 09, 2006 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger Sonny & Araya Chang Family said...

Any suggestion about this Canon Powershot G7 digital camera?

RRP in malaysia is RM2249.
I found some camera shop offer RM1999.

It was mentioned in the Nanyang Siang Pao advertisment with 9 headpoints.

Saturday, December 09, 2006 1:55:00 AM  
Blogger changsiewkwan said...

I know nuts about digital cameras. I only shoot films (black and white, occassionally some slides). Spending RM 1999 for a digicam? I have no idea, as electrical stuffs will drop price to "priceless" in no time when the next model is marketed. Just get something which is handy and you comfortable in shooting. The bottom line is, how often will you be motivated to take the camera out to shoot, $2,000 or $10,000 is no difference if you put it in the cabinet.

Saturday, December 09, 2006 8:19:00 PM  

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