Friday, January 19, 2007

Honeymoon Trip - 上海 (ShangHai), 江南(JiangNan) & 烏鎮(WuZhen)

MAS Air tickets to PuDong International Airport

Welcome to Shanghai!!!

Breakfast at Shanghai 城隍庙, the famous 南翔蟹黃包.yummy yummy!

Shanghai Nanjing East Road

東方明珠塔 - The tallest tower in Asia
inside the 東方明珠塔

蘇州 - Street nearby the hotel

蘇州 - The silk factory, Cj is trying to make a quilt (silk) for fun.

南京 - 夫子廟 (famous street at Nanjing)

we took the lift to reach the roof of the building, its freezing!

杭州 - 宋城

烏鎮 - sewing ..:)

烏鎮 street


Blogger Janice & Loke Family said... What is that you are eating for breakfast? tim sum? It looks like you guys are freezing there...what's the temperature?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:35:00 PM  

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