Wednesday, November 07, 2007

US Trip 17 Oct till 1 Nov - Cedar Point & Niagara Falls

The weather was cold and windy during the first few days in Detroit. When we reach Canada it was perfect. Sunny day, bright sunlight about 10-15 C in the afternoon and sometimes drop to 3-5 C at night.

Henry Ford Factory Tour...

My brother's house in Detroit...

Reaching Cedar Point...

Over looking Niagara Falls in US side...

Entering Canada border...

We took the package of boat ride which includes Journey Behind the Falls, White Water Walk, Whirl Pool & Butterfly Park...

A Spectacular view of Niagara wonder it is one of the worlds wonder...

Journey Behind the Falls...

White Water Walk...

Whirl Pool...

For more pics, please visit


Blogger changsiewkwan said...

Fuiyoh... Diam diam pergi oh...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun.

Thursday, November 08, 2007 3:57:00 PM  
Blogger Janice & Loke Family said...

Yea...lots of fun but very tiring coz of the long flight. Jet lag a few days... Beside Cedar Point & Niagara Falls, we also visited Canada, Toronto and Chicago. Chicago is a big busy city with lots of happening around... An eye opener for us.

Friday, November 09, 2007 9:15:00 AM  
Blogger janwei said...

Wow, can see both of u enjoy the trip vr much.
Nice rainbow at the fall!

Saturday, November 10, 2007 9:44:00 AM  

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