Saturday, November 11, 2006

Still remember "Saei Sok" 西叔?

Oct 1, 2006. This was the first time "Saei Sok" visited Sentosa Ocean Park even though he had been stayed in Singapore many years.

"Saei Sok" with father inside the Ocean Park giant aquarium.

He was now working as lori driver for a manufacturing factory in Singapore. More story about him have to refer with "Tai Ku". He was the closer "grand" relative link with us. From grandfather side. Hey...Siew Yik..don't forget to pay him a visit no matter how busy you are.. d^_-b .. ok.

Giant spider crab..... on action


Blogger Janice & Loke Family said... mom did tell me the story of "Saei Sok" whom has a not so good marriage life. Sad story abt him though... My mom said "Saei Sok" consider healthy despite his age (70+) he can still drive...

Monday, November 20, 2006 1:38:00 PM  
Blogger Siew Cuong said...

Yeap! he look healthy, but I have no idea who is he, do I meet him before? No memory at all…

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:06:00 PM  
Blogger Sonny & Araya Chang Family said...

siew cuong.. next trip u should make an appointment with Siew Yik to meet "Sai Sok", then he will tell u some folks story about our parents past.. :) It will be very interesting to listen for the old days from the elders.

Thursday, December 07, 2006 4:08:00 PM  
Blogger siu zhen(Cheng Cheng) said...

..... i and siew yik duno and never see before but siew yik said sei suk call him before wo... but also didt go meet him....

Thursday, July 26, 2007 9:15:00 PM  

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