Monday, January 08, 2007

Yew Jun & Jo Yan concert 2006

sorry guys.. been busy lately. getting ready for yew jun's 1st day of school. my brother has been wondering what happened coz no updates from me since the last time i posted Bangkok trip pics. okok...let me post the pics now before my brother start sounding me again....oh yes, welcome Siew Yik! So glad to hear from you again. We welcome anything even just a note to say hi!

Ok...Let me start my story now. It was in end Nov since Yew Jun graduated from his Smart Reader Kids (kindergarden)...

last concert for Yew Jun...

first concert for Jo Yan...

Jo Yan best friend in school, Debbie...

the loyal supporters...


Blogger Dennis and Elsa Chiang said...

Yew Jun, are you wearing lip stick again. Look nice!
Samantha misses you both.

Monday, January 08, 2007 11:18:00 PM  
Blogger Janice & Loke Family said...

Haha...all the kids have to wear make-up when it comes to stage performance. Yew Jun & Jo Yan also miss Samantha very much.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:47:00 AM  

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